Data Lakes And Data Warehousing

Although it seems an ice age concept to convince ExCo to have a central funding for an enterprise data warehouse, PLCs still struggle to get this through.Taking into account efforts needed to bring proposal of a centralized data warehouse capability to support initiatives like ‘Unified Customer View’, Infion has led out few common problems here to address.

  • The autonomy of each business unit

  • Decentralised operations

  • Disparate and multiple systems

  • Inability to share data across business units and between systems

  • Project driven approach – no strategic focus

  • The way in which individuals are nominated for positions on the board

EDW Benefits

Customer-Related Strategic Value Benefits

Competitive Business

As business depends heavily on customers, companies can survive only if they can persuade and convince customers to choose their services and products, not those of the competitors.

Behaviour Change

This is where companies can earn an extra profit if they can convince customers to take part in additional services or change the way they behave.

Customer Growth

The potential that attached to each customer will continue to grow. Additional services and products may be of their interest in the future.

Relationship based benefits

Increase customer loyalty

Reduce marketing costsy

Understand existing customers better

Gain strategic benefit of close partnerships

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