Infion as a strategic partner, helps its clients transform into a truly data-driven, digital enterprise and enables them to take advantage of the digital revolution to innovate, differentiate and grow. Leveraging mobile and cutting-edge technology and skilled resources, Infion's consultancy services help build rightly structured teams, accelerate time-to-market for new products and services, enhance customer experience, maximize productivity and efficiency in business processes, and lower total cost of ownership.

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We believe in helping people and organisations to make better data and people driven decisions.

Infion's enterprise data architecture has been created and continually developed to create a best practice Business Intelligence function.

Discover our offerings with a range of cloud data services to transform your company's IT function from a cost centre into a shared service provider. We offer a range of solution architecture, IT system design, Mobile application development and delivery services which will help you to ensure that all new projects and programmes remain in alignment with your business, IT, Enterprise Data Architecture (EDA) and mobile strategy.

Big Data And Analytics

From raw Data to Information to Intelligence, Infion is a right partner to take your analytics journey to insights and unified business view. Be it big data or standard enterprise and real time reporting, we would always find the solution right for your business.

Infion Application Factory

From commercial, communication apps and finance and technology widgets to social and special mobile applications, Infion brings your business at your customer's fingertips. Be is hospitality to run kitchen managers system or order taking system to content distribution apps for publishers or payment apps for banks, we have the right technical and business knowledge to build to your needs.

Talent Search

Infion's recruitment business delivers talent consultancy services which help organisations in the public and private sectors attract talent, knowledge and skills to enable business performance and accelerate change.

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Case Study

A public limited company operating under its umbrella businesses of hotels, restaurants, coffee chains and vending machines faces serious problems of

  • Data duplication,
  • Multiple silos and minimal data sharing,
  • Unavailability of a single enterprise data warehouse,
  • Negligible predictive analytics capabilities,
  • Non existent single view of customer data
  • No single Master Data Management solution and
  • Lack of ownership of data due to increased business unit autonomy.

Learn how Infion helped this UK business save millions and mature its BI and Analytics Capabilities via this case study.

Learn How